Şablon:Cite news/doc
This template is used to cite sources in Wikipedia. It is intended specifically for news sources. For citing journals/magazines and websites, see {{Cite journal}} and {{Cite web}}, respectively.
[redaktə]- Common form with author(s) in a single parameter
{{cite news |title= |author= |newspaper= |date= |url= |accessdate=2025-01-27 }}
- Common form with first and last
{{cite news |title= |author= |url= |publisher= |date= |accessdate=2025-01-27 |language= |archiveurl= |archivedate=2025-01-27 }}
- Bütün göstəricilər üfuqi formatda
{{cite news |title= |author= |first= |last= |authorlink= |authorlink2= |author2= |author3= |author4= |author5= |author6= |author7= |url= |format= |agency= |newspaper= |publisher= |location= |isbn= |issn= |oclc= |pmid= |pmd= |bibcode= |doi= |id= |date= |page= |pages= |at= |accessdate=2025-01-27 |language= |trans_title= |quote= |archiveurl= |archivedate=2025-01-27 |ref= }}
- Bütün göstəricilər şaquli formatda
{{cite news | title = | author = | first = | last = | authorlink = | authorlink2 = | author2 = | author3 = | author4 = | author5 = | author6 = | author7 = | url = | format = | agency = | newspaper = | publisher = | location = | isbn = | issn = | oclc = | pmid = | pmd = | bibcode = | doi = | id = | date = | page = | pages = | at = | accessdate = 2025-01-27 | language = | trans_title = | quote = | archiveurl = | archivedate = 2025-01-27 | ref = }}
Esenssial göstəricilər
[redaktə]- title: Məqalənin adı
- newspaper:Publikasiyanın adı
- date:Dərcolunma tarixi
optional göstəricilər
[redaktə]- author:Müəllif.
- last works with first to produce
last, first
as name of author. - authorlink works either with author or with last & first to link to the appropriate Wikipedia article. Does not work with URLs.
- author2, author3, ... author9: Allows additional authors. Numbers must be used consecutively. author9 is not actually displayed, but causes et al. to appear. Can also use lastn, firstn, and authorlinkn.
- coauthors: Equivalent to author2.
- last works with first to produce
- url: Link to the news item if available online (note this is not for a link to the main web page of the work of publisher, but only to a copy of the item specified in title). Start the url with the communications protocol e.g., http://. Do not post urls of Google hosted AP content, that content is transient. Use MSNBC, Yahoo, or another provider that keeps AP archives.
- accessdate: Date when the news item was accessed, if it was found online. Should be in the same format as the rest of the article. Must not be wikilinked.
- format: Hansı formatda verilmişdir, məsələn PDF
- agency: İnformasiya agentliklərinin adı
- location: Nəşr olunduğu yer.
- publisher: Məlumatı və məcmuəni dərc edən kompaniya və təşkilatların adı.
- isbn, issn, oclc, pmid, pmd, bibcode, doi Unique object identifiers, if applicable. Will automatically generate an appropriately wikilinked link to the object in question. Most ordinary newspaper articles will not have one of these.
- id: İdentifikatoru
- page or pages: The page(s) on which the article is found. page inserts the abbreviation "p." before the number; pages inserts "pp." Use only one of these parameters. If numbers are entered for both, pages overrides page.
- at:Qəzetdə yerləşmə mıvqeyi
- language: Mənbənin yazılış dili. ingilis dilindədirsə bu gıstəriciyə ehtiyac yoxdur.
- trans_title: Mənbənin adı xarici dildə olduqda tərcüməsi. adətən language ilə birlikdə istifadə olunur.
- quote:Aid və üyğun sitatlar
- archive parameters (if used, must be used both of them together)
- archiveurl: The URL of an archived copy of a web page, if (or in case) the URL becomes unavailable. Typically used to refer to services like WebCite and Archive.org.
- archivedate: Arxivləşmə tarixi
- ref: Lövbər kodu.
- postscript: if specified, over-rides the default behaviour of terminating the citation with a full stop. Leave blank to suppress the full stop. This may be useful when using a quote which ends in punctuation, or when generating an output consistent with other templates. It is preferred to manually adding ending punctuation, as the punctuation occurs within the <cite> tag, so will appear before any icons added by browser plugins.
[redaktə]- Using first and last for author's name
- {{cite news
| first=Cassandra
| last=Jardine
| title=The return of the secondary modern
| url=http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/3621779/The-return-of-the-secondary-modern.html
| location = London
| agency=
| newspaper=The Daily Telegraph
| date=5 August 2004
}}→ Jardine, Cassandra (5 August 2004). "The return of the secondary modern". The Daily Telegraph (London). http://www.telegraph.co.uk/culture/tvandradio/3621779/The-return-of-the-secondary-modern.html.
- No author but sourced to a news agency
- {{cite news
| first=
| last=
| title=Drugs: Chips trader gets 15 years, 10 strokes
| url=http://www.dailyexpress.com.my/news.cfm?NewsID=48660
| newspaper=Daily Express
| location=Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia
| date=29 March 2007
| agency=Bernama
}}→ "Drugs: Chips trader gets 15 years, 10 strokes". Daily Express. Bernama (Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia). 29 March 2007. http://www.dailyexpress.com.my/news.cfm?NewsID=48660.
- Using authorlink to link to article about the author on Wikipedia
- {{cite news
| first=George
| last=Monbiot
| authorlink=George Monbiot
| title=From toxic waste to toxic assets, the same people always get dumped on
| url=http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cif-green/2009/sep/21/global-fly-tipping-toxic-waste
| newspaper=The Guardian
| location=London
| date=22 September 2009
}}→ Monbiot, George (22 September 2009). "From toxic waste to toxic assets, the same people always get dumped on". The Guardian (London). http://www.guardian.co.uk/commentisfree/cif-green/2009/sep/21/global-fly-tipping-toxic-waste.
- Using "format" parameter when not HTML. No need to use "location" parameter because "New York" is already in name of paper.
- {{cite news
| newspaper=The New York Times
| title=State Prison Treatment
| date=4 February 1883
| url=http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?_r=1&res=9503E3D71631E433A25757C0A9649C94629FD7CF
| format=PDF
}}→ "State Prison Treatment" (PDF). The New York Times. 4 February 1883. http://query.nytimes.com/mem/archive-free/pdf?_r=1&res=9503E3D71631E433A25757C0A9649C94629FD7CF.
- Using page to identify the reference by page; news item in library but not on line
- {{cite news
| first=Arthur
| last=Reed
| title=Four-rate plan in air-fare 'jungle'
| page=3
| date=9 December 1976
| newspaper=The Times
| location = London
}}→ Reed, Arthur (9 December 1976). "Four-rate plan in air-fare 'jungle'". The Times (London): p. 3.
- A foreign-language news article
- {{cite news
|author=Joliet, François
|title=Honni soit qui mal y pense
|date=30 April 2005
|newspaper=Le Figaro
|trans_title=Shame on those who think evil
}}→ Joliet, François (30 April 2005). "Honni soit qui mal y pense [Shame on those who think evil]" (French). Le Figaro (Paris).
- Using archiveurl and archivedate to refer to items that disappeared from newspaper's own website but are now available from an archive site
- {{cite news
| author=Achenbaum, Emily S.
| title=Freedom lost, without a trial
| newspaper=The Charlotte Observer
| url=http://www.charlotteobserver.com/109/story/47573.html
| date=11 March 2007
| archiveurl=http://web.archive.org/web/20070419112159/www.charlotteobserver.com/109/story/47573.html
| archivedate=19 April 2007
}}→ Achenbaum, Emily S. (11 March 2007). "Freedom lost, without a trial". The Charlotte Observer. Arxivləşdirilib: [1] saytından 19 April 2007 tarixində. http://web.archive.org/web/20070419112159/www.charlotteobserver.com/109/story/47573.html.