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Təranə Nurubəyli/Biblioqrafiya/Beynəlxalq səviyyəli konfrans materialları

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../ Təranə Nurubəyli/Biblioqrafiya


1. T.K.Nurubeyli, K.Z.Nuriyev, Z.K.Nurubeyli, A.M.Hashimov, K.B.Qurbanov "The limitation of dispersion characteristics a Time of Flight mass-analyzer with axial symmetric electric field" //16-th Int. Mass-spectrometry Conference, Edinburgh, 31 August – September 2003.

2. T.K. Nurubeyli, Sh.,G. Askerov, K.Z.Nuriyev "Choromoto mass-spectrometers for investigation Ecological condition the Atmosphere" //Second Int. Conference on Technical and Physical in Power Engineering. 2004, Tabriz, IRAN, p.527-530.

3. Т.К.Нурубейли,К.З.Нуриев, А.Г.Мамедбейли, Ш.И. Бабаев "Масс-спектрометр с искровым источником ионов для исследования состава твердых тел" //Труды международной научно-технической конференции МЭПП-2005, с. 39-42.

4. T.K.Nurubeyli, K.Z.Nuriyev, Z.K.Nurubeyli "The dependence of dielectric losses of polymeric compounds on the Construction of Macromolecules introduction" //III International Conference on Technical and Physical Problem in Power Engineering Ankara – Turkey, 2006.

5. Т.К.Нурубейли, К.З.Нуриев, К.Б.Гурбанов, З.К.Нурубейли "Дискриминация элементов–примесей твердых тел при масс–спектрометрическом анализе" //IV Всероссийская конференция «Масс-спектрометрия и ее прикладные проблемы» 05-09 сентября 2011 г.Москва

6. T.K. Nurubeyli, Z.K.Nurubeyli, K.B.Gurbanov, K.Z,Nuriyev, A.T.Khudiyev "Molecular structure of ions in fluorine contain dielectrics at the secondary ions mass–spectrometry (SIMS)" // International Journal on “Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering” (IJTPE) September 2011 Issue 8 Volume 3 Number 3 Pages 113-117

7. T.K. Nurubeyli, Z.K.Nurubeyli, K.Z,Nuriyev, K.B.Gurbanov "Mass-spectrometer for analysis of solids" //International Journal on “Technical and Physical Problems of Engineering” (IJTPE) March 2013 Issue 14 Volume 5 Number 1 Pages 127-131

8. T.K. Nurubeyli, E.A.Muradov, Z.K.Nurubeyli "The ionic composition of the plasma in inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry (icp ms)" //11th International Conference on “Technical and Physical Problems of Electrical Engineering” 10-12 September 2015, page 237-240

9. T.K. Nurubeyli, A.M. Hashimov, Z.K. Nurubeyli, J.G.Samadov, E.A. Muradov, E.Q.Taqiyeva "Investigation of the nonspectral interference at the analysis biological fluids in the mass spectrometer with inductively coupled plasma" //12th International Conference on “Technical and Physical Problems of Electrical Engineering” 7-9 September 2016, page